Someone who enjoys reading is someone who has made reading a second nature. To excel you must read. There is no alternative to reading if you must excel.
Reading makes you an exact man; reading makes you a ready man. Reading equips you for life's diverse challenges on a continuous basis. Reading lifts you above the general run of knowledge. Reading builds understanding.
Reading is a key habit; you not only have to develop it early in life, but also sustain it throughout your life. You must learn to love reading. You must learn to make reading pleasure and a way of life. Reading must be to you a challenging activity, over which a large percentage of your free time is devoted. Develop your reading life and reading will become a joyous thing to you.
Read to equip your life. Read to refill your well of knowledge. Read to fellowship with great minds.
Read to enjoy the distillation of knowledge. Read to cultivate habits and style in speaking and writing.
Read for guidance, read to excel. A man or woman who wants to excel must read widely, generally and purposefully more than his or her colleagues. Your real work in the school revolves around reading and reading well.
A lazy person at reading cannot excel. Reading is a crucial step in the art or technique of study. Promote reading in your life and it will in turn promote you. Reading is your duty in school. When you cultivate the habit of reading you will be surprised how much you can read. You will find out that you can hardly be seen without holding a book to read. You will be able to read when communicating when waiting, when free, when in restaurants and on many other occasions. You will find it difficult to be idle without reading. An idle mind is the devil's workshop.
I went to a local village school for both my workshop primary and secondary education. We never
knew the importance of reading. We could hardly read a single book from cover to cover no matter how small. No wonder many became
dropouts. Academic work became a difficult thing for the majority of us. We didn't know the joy of reading. I was a victim of such unfortunate circumstances. However, I grew and gradually developed the habit of reading. Today my life revolves around reading: reading deeply, generally and with pleasure. I read for relaxation, information, knowledge, study and various preparations involving writing, teaching and speaking. I am today grateful to God, that at last I have cultivated the habit of reading.
Schoolwork requires reading. As you move from secondary school to university you discover that you have a lot of reading to do.
Over 65% of your knowledge will come through reading. If reading is so important to your school life and even after, then you need to master how to read.
Kindly put our books in the hands of your kids/wards. (1)"Feeds to the Top" an academic book for giant strides in academics and also in life. (2) "Sexual Purity in our Times" for a successful life of Sexual purity that promotes the best in you.
Contacts : +2348036551661;
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Fan page: @blessinglibertyIntl
IG: @blessinglibertyintl

Someone who enjoys reading is someone who has made reading a second nature. To excel you must read. There is no alternative to reading if you must excel.
Reading makes you an exact man; reading makes you a ready man. Reading equips you for life's diverse challenges on a continuous basis. Reading lifts you above the general run of knowledge. Reading builds understanding.
Reading is a key habit; you not only have to develop it early in life, but also sustain it throughout your life. You must learn to love reading. You must learn to make reading pleasure and a way of life. Reading must be to you a challenging activity, over which a large percentage of your free time is devoted. Develop your reading life and reading will become a joyous thing to you.
Read to equip your life. Read to refill your well of knowledge. Read to fellowship with great minds.
Read to enjoy the distillation of knowledge. Read to cultivate habits and style in speaking and writing.
Read for guidance, read to excel. A man or woman who wants to excel must read widely, generally and purposefully more than his or her colleagues. Your real work in the school revolves around reading and reading well.
A lazy person at reading cannot excel. Reading is a crucial step in the art or technique of study. Promote reading in your life and it will in turn promote you. Reading is your duty in school. When you cultivate the habit of reading you will be surprised how much you can read. You will find out that you can hardly be seen without holding a book to read. You will be able to read when communicating when waiting, when free, when in restaurants and on many other occasions. You will find it difficult to be idle without reading. An idle mind is the devil's workshop.
I went to a local village school for both my workshop primary and secondary education. We never
knew the importance of reading. We could hardly read a single book from cover to cover no matter how small. No wonder many became
dropouts. Academic work became a difficult thing for the majority of us. We didn't know the joy of reading. I was a victim of such unfortunate circumstances. However, I grew and gradually developed the habit of reading. Today my life revolves around reading: reading deeply, generally and with pleasure. I read for relaxation, information, knowledge, study and various preparations involving writing, teaching and speaking. I am today grateful to God, that at last I have cultivated the habit of reading.
Schoolwork requires reading. As you move from secondary school to university you discover that you have a lot of reading to do.
Over 65% of your knowledge will come through reading. If reading is so important to your school life and even after, then you need to master how to read.
Kindly put our books in the hands of your kids/wards. (1)"Feeds to the Top" an academic book for giant strides in academics and also in life. (2) "Sexual Purity in our Times" for a successful life of Sexual purity that promotes the best in you.
Contacts : +2348036551661;
Follow our facebook
Fan page: @blessinglibertyIntl
IG: @blessinglibertyintl
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