Poor memory
should rather be called poor process of memorizing or simply poor practice. We
advocate step by step feeding of the memory. The process is contained in the
formula: five Rs
(5Rs) meaning:
The five
processes are the way by which experts view memory processes. These processes
will reduce forgetfulness to a level that is tolerable, a level that you will
no longer feel the oppressive weight of forgetting. Your enormous memory capacity
will see you through as you practice the processes. You will forget less and
begin to remember more. Let us explore the five Rs.
Recognition: This is stimulating the brain by identifying what is seen newly with
what has already been seen or known. In other words, you see and recognize.
This is taking a decisive mental note of what you see or come in contact with.
Recognition brings a state of registration in your brain. What is seen is
registered. You see faces and something tells you, you have seen them before.
That is recognition. I once watched on the T.V set a documentary of the
ravaging famine and drought in African Sahel. Within a few seconds it became
clear that I had watched it before. I began to see familiar scenes that I had
watched and forgotten. That is recognition. The result was that the documentary
stays with me till today. Recognition is very important and that is the beginning
of upper hand in memory process. It will pay you to know that academics itself
was built around recognition process. From courses, term after term, you
recognize familiar words, topics, titles and diagram. New knowledge is explained
in terms of what was already known. Nothing is entirely new in what is being
taught. One million words of a book may be written from not more than fifteen
thousand vocabularies. They are combination of a flow of patterns in various
shapes and forms. Hence recognition is your first process in attracting and absorbing
something into your fantastic memory. It looks natural that way. From recognition
we come to receiving stage.
Receiving: Receiving stage is the comprehensive stage. You receive the knowledge
with understanding. Vague understanding will create vague memory. Garbage in
will give garbage out. Understanding at a thorough level aids remembering.
Study your text carefully. Receiving stage is very crucial. How you receive determines
how you remember and how you recall for use. Comprehension matters in memory
work. The brain seems to develop resistance to what is not understood. Rote
memory word is defined as printing into the memory word for word what is being memorized.
You will tend to think that rote memory does not require understanding. The truth
is that rote memory becomes easier once the subject is understood. Always make
the needed attempt and sacrifice to understand your material. Comprehension is
crucial to all memory work. A diagram or illustration is best memorized when it
is mastered with understanding. Comprehension makes association possible and
easier. Association is one of the best techniques of study.
Reasoning memory is the type of memory
wherein you reproduce material in your own words. This type of memory work is
done by careful understanding or
comprehension of the subject matter. Whichever
way we look at it, memory work
requires comprehension. Comprehension
precedes retention of knowledge. Poor memory arises from poorly organized work
for memory. Experts made it clear that one of the principal reasons for forgetting
is lack of comprehension. Experiments in physiology revealed that those who
learn their materials will thoroughly understand the retained knowledge far
longer than those who memorize without comprehending the materials. Comprehension
aids the various processes of memory work and memory improvement techniques.
Whether we talk of short- or long-term memory, comprehension is the underlying factor
for memory work. Rapid or faster rate of memory is directly proportional to the
degree of mastery of materials for memory. Greater degree of memory, degree of
learning and degree of comprehension at receiving level marks how well we
understand and memorize. Strengthen your memory power. Whatever you want to
memorize for future recall, learn it thoroughly. Attend adequately to the
material. Next to the receiving stage in
the process of memorizing is retaining.
Retaining: This is the memory stage where the actual text is stored in memory.
This is a natural
result or follow up to recognition and
receiving. Here conscious effort is made using memory techniques to retain the
text in memory. It may be rote or reasoning memory. Memory is retaining for
recall. The retaining process takes more time than other processes as it
requires repetitions until you are sure it is retained. The next step is
Recall: Recall
follows retaining. Recalling is the end product of retaining. It virtually
represents the purpose of retaining. That is why we say retain to recall.
Recalling is the confirmation of retention of learned material. Concluding the process
of memory is review.
Review: Review is
the only final guarantee of memory work. Statistics of how memory works
showed that more than 75% of facts put in
memory becomes less distinct after four weeks.
Rote memory is particularly elusive, that
the only guarantee is 72 hours interval of review.
Those who memorize Bible passages can
testify to this fact. Except you review constantly there
is no way to retain Bible passages. A
distinct quotation in word for word recitation is only possible by review.
Review enables you to quote with ease. You will remember that we equate it to
revision. Revise at planned and regular intervals to establish and consolidate
Practice these “5Rs” again and
again. You will be surprised how versatile you will be in memory
work. In academics there are quotations
you can learn word for word or you must learn word for word. Such are numerous
in science and mathematics where you talk of theorems, laws,
thesis, hypothesis, formula, diagrams and
even texts. Let me say the man who can quote
excellently from the memory will be distinguished
in the Arts department. The Arts
also needs rote memory work aside from reasoning
memory. I developed a style in those
days. I had a big note book (old diary)
where I wrote quotations or call it quotable quotes and
put these things in memory. The result
was that it helped my writing and speech work
exceedingly. When I quoted verbally from memory
in those days it attracted attention from others and drew satisfaction from
Culled from the book titled "FEEDS TO THE TOP".
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