BE CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE IN GETTING HELPERS To make it well in academics you need helps. Helpers abound at various levels of academics. Help is the foundation or substructure that supports and sustains the super structure of an excellent academic life. Ask any successful person in academics and even in life, he or she will reel out stories of helps they received at various bends and turns of life. Seek help, go out to get helpers that will build you. Helpers can be grouped into various segments: let’s examine some of them. PARENTS AS HELPERS: Abraham Lincoln described as the most popular and most successful president in the history of America said, “All what I have become I owe to my angel mother”, Michael Wum brand became a voracious reader at the age of four as a result of his father spending hours everyday to teach him at cradle. I have spoken of what my father told me, he made me understand I TOO CAN. Many parents are angels to their children; they spare no labour off t...